An Introduction ~
John is not my favorite Gospel. In order, I probably favor
most to least in this order: Luke, Matthew, Mark and John. Yes, John comes in
dead-last. I know, I know...that may seem kind of weird. Some of our very best
known, even best-loved, verses and vignettes come from John’s pen—John 3:16, water-to-wine,
the encounter with the Samaritan woman, all of the “I am” declarations and so
much more. But, I also find in John those very “hard sayings” of Jesus that
leave me feeling a bit... ‘meh,’ like the ‘eating his flesh’ stuff (John 6) and
the seemingly unending discourses (John 12-17). I don’t know; maybe I’m a
sucker for a good narrative, and John simply lacks the more ‘narrative,’ story-telling
aspect that Matthew, Mark and Luke are kind enough to follow and use. John
doesn’t even have a good birth or baptism story! What??
In any case, I’ll be preaching through the Gospel of John until
the Second Sunday of Easter, April 8, 2018. Allow me to mention one of the
benefits of a “lectionary” at this point. John is not a Gospel I have often
preached or preached from. But, because I follow the Narrative Lectionary (others in my
tradition follow the Revised Common Lectionary), I am now confronted with
preaching something I am neither excited about preaching nor comfortable
preaching. But that is GOOD! I need to be ripped out of my comfort zone; I need
to be confronted with the challenge of preaching something that does not come
easy for me. A lectionary often forces us preachers to deal with something we would rather postpone or avoid. Because it's the 'Gospel of the year,' I will wrestle with John; I will endeavor to ‘suck the
marrow’ out of the bones of this book.
To be honest, there is actually a bit of excitement about preaching
this Gospel for me. Recently, I read J. Philip Newell’s Listening for the Heartbeat of God: A Celtic Spirituality (Paulist
Press) in which he indicates again and again that John is the Gospel for those
of the Celtic (or seeking a Celtic) worldview. Newell argues that John is most
in tune with the God who speaks through nature, the God who is for everyone...and I’m excited to see if I can
find traces of the ideas he posits. This gives me a bit more interest in my
studies and sermon preparation.
However, let me be clear here as to the purpose of these
pieces on John: I will not be posting sermons; I want to share what I find, what
I discover in my studies...those things that are new or surprising to me. My
hope is that what I write here will be of help to others 1) who love the Gospel
of John and 2) who want to love the Gospel of John. Alas, I fall into the
second of these two groups, yet I truly hope that when April 8 arrives I have a
completely new understanding, appreciation and, yes, even love for the Gospel
of John.
So, let go:
John 2:13-25 ~ Crack the Whip!
John 3:1-21 ~ Nicodemus Revisited
John 4:1-42 ~ Jesus and Sam...Water and Worship in Samaria
John 9: 1-41 ~ Blind to the Obvious
John 11:1-44 ~ Resurrection!
John 13:1-17 ~ 21stCentury Foot-Washing
John 18:12-27 ~ What Would You Say?
John 18:28-40 ~ An Interesting Conversation...
John 3:1-21 ~ Nicodemus Revisited
John 4:1-42 ~ Jesus and Sam...Water and Worship in Samaria
John 9: 1-41 ~ Blind to the Obvious
John 11:1-44 ~ Resurrection!
John 13:1-17 ~ 21stCentury Foot-Washing
John 18:12-27 ~ What Would You Say?
John 18:28-40 ~ An Interesting Conversation...
John 19:1-16a ~ What’s Your Superpower?
John 12:12-19 ~ Something to Shout About
John 19:16-30 ~ A Good Friday Meditation
John 20:19-23 ~ A Life of Purpose
John 12:12-19 ~ Something to Shout About
John 19:16-30 ~ A Good Friday Meditation
John 20:19-23 ~ A Life of Purpose
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