Tuesday, October 29, 2024

AfterWords: "A Church Strong: We Love Our Church"


Colossians 3:12-17

Why do we love our church? What is there to love? And, how do we create and sustain this loving atmosphere? This week, we bring to a conclusion the “A Church Strong” series as we celebrate the opportunities for service and ministry through our congregation, as we remember those things that we love about our church.

The Apostle Paul is also interested in a ‘church strong’ as he writes to the Christians at Colosse, Thessalonica, Ephesus, and other churches. And, as any good writer or teacher, when he wants to emphasize a point in his letters, he uses the most common tool of all: repetition. In the passage we read today, Paul repeats three ideas, concepts, elements. Let’s take a look.

First of all, in v.13, Paul repeats the importance of forgiveness. As a healthy congregation, forgiveness must be a part of daily life. As mere mortals, human beings, we are going to offend one another—no doubt. Over 99% of the time, we will do so unintentionally—a word hastily spoken, a simple but unexamined act. Those offenses separate, weaken, and divide us. And, the unforgiven offense can have farther reaching effects than we often realize. We must be forgiving.

Next, Paul talks about the “peace of Christ” and that we’re a people of “peace.” Our gatherings are to be marked by peace. When we step into the gathering of God’s people, we should be stepping into a place free of anxiety, a reunion wherein we leave the stresses of life outside—or at least find relief inside! This is the “peace of Christ”—a peace that you and I as Jesus-people bring to the gathering and share with those around us. You and I become agents of peace, so we must come together wishing peace on those around us, and we must act in a way that promotes peace.

Finally, in the final verses of this passage, Paul talks about thanksgiving and gratitude. The people of God are a thankful people. Our natural response to the world around us often is to notice what we don’t have, what we lack, what we wish we had. Paul reminds the Colossian church and us to choose gratitude and thanks. And, when we stop and consider, God has provided so much. We have received much, we have a lot. Or, maybe we haven’t. Still, we must express gratitude and thanksgiving for that which we have.

As we worshiped today at McAllen First UMC, we shared almost 40 video clips that we gathered over the last three weeks in which people expressed why they love our church or something they love about our church. We also recognized that many of us came into this congregation because someone invited us. As a church strong, we are committed to inviting people to come into the family of faith while we continue to reach out to and go out into the communities around us as we live out the faith.


Sunday, October 27, 2024
A Church Strong: Story
Watch/Listen: HERE

Monday, October 21, 2024

AfterWords: "A Church Strong: Story"


Mark 5:1-20

When we join the church, we vow to take on five ‘holy habits,’ five practices that will strengthen both our own spiritual lives and the life of our congregation: prayer, presence, giving, service, story.

If you’ve grown up in the United Methodist Church, you will know that ‘story-telling’ is not in the liturgy of joining as found in the United Methodist Hymnal (p.48). There, we find only the first four. So, why have I (and others) added story? Telling ‘the Story’ (of Jesus) and telling our stories of faith are part and parcel of the Christian faith; this is something we have been expected to do from the beginning.

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…” (Matthew 28:19). How do we “make disciples”? We tell the Story and we tell our stories of faith. “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). What do witnesses do? They tell what they have seen, experienced. So, from the beginning, we who follow Jesus, we who claim to be Christians, have been a story-telling people.

In that dramatic story from Mark 5, we see clearly that Jesus wants us to tell our stories. After encountering the demoniac—the man possessed of multiple demons, Jesus expels the demons, and the man is in his right mind for the first time in years. In appreciation and gratitude, the man wants to go with Jesus, to stay close to Jesus. But, Jesus says ‘no.’ Rather, Jesus says to him, “Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you…” (Mark 5:19). Go home and tell your story.

When we read a little more closely in the New Testament, we find that those who tell their stories tend to tell their own story—what happened to them—and they tell their stories at the invitation of the listener. That is, besides the story of Jesus, they don’t tell other people’s stories, and they don’t rush in tell their story when no one wants to hear it. We would do well to follow this pattern as well.

The good news is that people around us invite us to tell our stories (or the Story) all the time. We just don’t recognize the invitation. Few if any say, “Hey, tell me your story.” Instead, the invitation to tell our stories sounds more like this: “I just don’t know what to do about this situation…” or “Why do things like this happen…?” When people around us—family, friends, co-workers, classmates, neighbors—earnestly say something like this, they are inviting us to tell a story, to step into their pain, their questions, their lives. These kinds of statements/questions reveal and invite us beneath the surface of their lives. This becomes a chance for us to tell a story.

Our stories of faith may include Scripture passages that have had a great impact on us in a difficult time. They may include songs, prayers, Bible class discussions, readings, movies, and more. Whatever way God spoke to us, helped us, guided us—these are the things we include in our stories.

Our stories may or may not have a significant or immediate impact on the listener. In my own experience, the culmination of many stories is what impacted me. No single story usually moves me. Rather, the cumulative power of stories over time has moved me closer to God, more deeply into the life of faith. So, our story to one person on one occasion may have little to no significant impact. But, it may be a seed that contributes to a future harvest in that person’s life.

More importantly, like prayer, presence, giving, and service, making story a part of our ‘holy habits’ does impact our lives. Telling the Story and our stories moves this faith ‘thing’ from Sunday mornings into our daily lives. And, as with all of these holy habits, we are changed.

Listen to those around you and learn to recognize those quiet, subtle invitations to tell your stories. Then, tell a story from your own life… “tell them how much the Lord has done for you.”

Sunday, October 20, 2024
A Church Strong: Story
Watch/Listen: HERE

Monday, October 14, 2024

AfterWords: "A Church Strong: Talents"


1 Corinthians 12:1, 4-7

Just a few weeks ago, we began this journey of looking at the habits we vow to take up as members of the United Methodist Church: Prayer, Presence, Tithes, Talents, and Story.

As we engage in the habit of prayer, as we talk to God on behalf of our congregation, as we pray for one another, we are changed. Our relationship with God is changed, our relationships with each other are changed, we are changed.

As we become more and more present, whether in Sunday worship, Bible study classes, small groups or other gatherings, we are changed. We gather to give thanks to God, to receive mercy, and to encourage one another. When we do these things, we are changed.

As we develop a habit of generosity, our attitudes towards our money, our values, our reactions and responses to needs around us all change. As we give regularly and move slowly but surely towards the ‘tithe’ God dreams of from us, we are changed…and in turn begin to change the world through our giving.

Today, we look at using our talents, gifts, skills, and abilities. God is the Giver of our talents and abilities. Some of us are born with gifts and skills. Some of us work hard to develop skills and abilities. Some of us supernaturally blessed with gifts from God’s Spirit. No matter how they come to us, no matter when they come to us, the talents, skills, and abilities are gifts from God.

We need to remain aware of something that Paul impresses on the Corinthian church: “Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good” (1 Cor. 12:7). “…For the common good”—we are gifted not to make us great or in order to just celebrate ourselves. We are gifted that we might contribute to the “common good.”

This flies in the face of our present culture, a culture that celebrates the great “I.” With the advent of the smartphone and its rear facing camera, we have become a world focused on ‘self.’ The implication is that we are the center of the universe…and we happily oblige to such a notion. Paul’s counter-cultural words remind us that we are gifted and equipped in order to work with if not serve others. We come together, bringing our gifts, talents, skills, and abilities together … for the common good.

Through the years, some congregations—by intention or by accident—have forbidden some people to exercise their gifts. “You want to sing? Well, we really have a tight group already, but if we need you, we’ll let you know….” Or “Oh, thank you for offering, but we’re good now. If need anyone else on the committee, we’ll let you know.” Everyone should be given the opportunity to use their gifts and talents. And for those who don’t know their gifts and abilities, the congregation must help people find and use them.

In the end, when everyone in a congregation lives out of their strengths, when all use their God-given talents, abilities, and skills, we see a “church strong”—a congregation that works together and that is better able to shine the light and love of God into the world.

Sunday, October 13, 2024
A Church Strong: Talents
Watch/Listen: HERE

Monday, October 7, 2024

AfterWords: "A Church Strong: Giving"


Malachi 3:6-10

Many of us are very familiar with Malachi’s words about giving: “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it” (Malachi 3:10). The call here—echoed through much of Scripture—is to give a tithe, a tenth, ten percent of our income, resources to God. Jesus echoes the same in Luke 6:38, and Paul calls for to give cheerfully in 2 Corinthians 9:6-7.

So, if Scripture is so clear on the issue—give a tithe to God, be generous towards God—why are we so reluctant to give? E. Peterson suggests, “Most people’s lack of generosity is due not to money problems but to greed problems…value problems” (from On Living Well). Could it be that the ancient, thoroughly human sin of greed holds us back from generosity? Are we afraid to give…afraid that we’ll run out of money if we give to God? Anne Frank, the voice of a child really, reminds us, “No one has ever become poor by giving.” So, why do we not give generously?

Perhaps it is because we do not really know or understand why we give. Yes, God has called us to be generous. Yes, we want to obey. But, we want to know, why? It is a fair question.

First of all, let’s answer this: Does God need our money? Does God really need your money or my money? Does God wait anxiously, hands wringing, every Sunday around 11am to see if enough will come in to make things happen in this world that He has created? The answer: God does not need your money nor mine. God is the Creator of the universe. God lacks nothing. Now, if that is the case—and I believe with all my mind and heart this is the case—then why does God ask us to give?

When we look back at what we’ve covered thus far in this series of sermons, we find that we’re called to prayer. Prayer changes everything…and it changes you and me. We are called to and invited to be a people of presence—present in worship, Bible studies, or small groups. Being present changes us…shapes us, molds us. And guess what—giving, being generous, changes us, shapes our attitudes, realigns our values. God calls us to give because we giving changes us.

When we reject lives of generosity, of giving, we struggle against the fabric and flow of the universe, for our God is a giving God. God has given us life, has given us everything. In fact, “God so loved the world that he gave….” He gave. And, as long as we reject giving and generosity, we struggle again the stream of this reality, against the flow of God’s creation.

If you have not been a giver by habit, your first step is to develop a habit of giving. If you have already developed the habit of giving, then it is time to move towards giving a tithe—make it a one-year or two-year goal. If you are already tithing, look for ways to go above-and-beyond. God invites us to be a people of generosity, of giving. When we embrace this holy habit, we align ourselves with God’s reality…and we open ourselves to being changed, transformed more and more into the best versions of ourselves. Decide today to embrace and embody the holy habits that make for a ‘church strong.’

Sunday, October 6, 2024
A Church Strong: Presence
Watch/Listen: HERE