Note: I usually post an initial sketch on Monday or Tuesday
of each week; then, I come back with a revised piece on Fridays. I hope my
thoughts nourish your thoughts, that something here helps you think in the
right direction for the congregation you serve. Cheers!
week, the kind folk who prepare the Narrative Lectionary have given us two
passages. The first, from Isaiah 5, gives us words of despair, disappointment,
and coming destruction. The second, from Isaiah 11, gives us words of life,
hope, and justice. Upon first reflection, I wondered which of the two I would
decide to work with…I mean, after all, we can’t do both, right? Wrong. Let’s do
often told the congregations I serve that there is no ‘Good News’ unless
there’s ‘bad news’ first. News is often made good or bad relative to what is
going on or has gone before. To simply hear, “The stock market fell 35 points
today,” may be bad or good news. If the market has been going up every day, a
35-point fall will be a bad thing. If the market has been falling by 100 points
a day for the last three days, only falling by 35 points is a good thing! So,
we may not recognize the good news if we aren’t aware of how bad things are or
were. The two Isaiah passages help us see that things were bad...but there’s
something good on the way!
As we
have followed the story of the People of God, we have seen some recurring
themes since the Garden: rebellion, disobedience, arrogance. God provides a
Garden with just one rule, and the newly formed humans break that rule. God
calls Abraham to found a new nation, and Abraham decides to do it his own way. The
people are called out of slavery, out of Egypt, and asked to trust in God’s
provision, and they grumble, complain, and take things into their own hands.
And, so the story goes—God promises life, freedom, provision…and the people—in
general—are selfish, arrogant, and oppressive.
In fact,
as we look around us—at least here in North America—we see clearly that the
injustice persists. Just reflect on our legal system and see who suffers most
and who is let off easy. Just reflect on the disparity of wealth and the
inequality of our healthcare system in America. The selfishness and arrogance
continue—at all levels of our society. Just hop on Twitter. Venture with fear
and trembling into a store on Black Friday. Or…glance in a mirror. We wish we
could say, “Ah…those who are not Christians, who haven’t yet read the Bible…,”
but even that is not the case. Some of our “Christian Leaders” are leading the
charge of injustice and selfishness. And, perhaps the words of Isaiah this day
are words the Church needs to hear, words that God is speaking to us:
and planted it with the choicest vines.
I built a watchtower in it
and cut out a winepress as well.
Then I looked for a crop of good grapes,
but it yielded only bad fruit.
I find it
interesting that Jesus, too, tells a story about a vineyard. In Matthew
21:33-41, Jesus tells the story of a vineyard that is given to the care of
others. The point is not the quality of the fruit but the arrogance and
insolence of those who are caring for the vineyard. The focus moves away from
the fruit to the caretakers…and Jesus calls those caretakers to task!
though, does look at the fruit, and through him, God complains against the
people regarding their neglect of justice, righteousness.
of those big ‘church words’ that we often have a sense of but couldn’t really
define if we were put to the test. When I learned Spanish in my family’s
international mission days, a lot of things became clearer for me in Scripture—those
of you who know a second or third language know what I mean. In Spanish, the
word for ‘righteousness’ is ‘justicia’
– yep, it’s another word for ‘justice.’ However, I’m also now convinced that
the best way to understand ‘righteousness’ for those of us who are
English-speakers is to get ‘eous’ (us!) out of the word: ‘rightness.’
Rightness: the right way of things, correctness, sense of ‘right.’ Re-read the
passage and substitute ‘rightness’ for ‘righteousness’ and see if it doesn’t
help a bit.
So, the people
of God in Isaiah’s day (and perhaps the church today) have neglected rightness
and justice. And God is disappointed. But all hope is not lost.
from his roots a Branch will bear fruit.
2 The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him—
the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding,
the Spirit of counsel and of might,
the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the Lord—
3 and he will delight in the fear of the Lord.
Someone comes who will change everything. Someone will come who will be
empowered by the Lord to bring justice and rightness and goodness. The poor and
the needy will finally find justice; the wicked will be brought down.
passage initiates the Christmas season for me more than this passage. This hint
at a coming change cracks open the door. It’s a taste of Advent before Advent.
It’s peek at the Messiah before Jesus is born Messiah. And, it’s a vision of
what we earnestly desire and hope for and crave…but has not yet come to be.
These readings
call us in two directions. First, God has given us so much, provided a world to
sustain and more…and we have squandered it. We’ve had every chance to produce
‘good fruit,’ and we’ve preferred bitter grapes. And, God is not pleased. Then,
we hear words of hope—perhaps in this same garden a sprig, a shoot, a tender
green branch grows that will change everything. Yes, there is hope—hope for the
people of Israel centuries ago and hope for us today. We hold on to the hope. We
wait for it. Isaiah is that same prophet who encourages us—
…But those who hope in
the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint. (Isa. 40:31)
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint. (Isa. 40:31)
May we—in
the face of troubles, injustice, and un-rightness—hope in the Lord. Our
strength will be renewed! We will soar like Eagles! What do you think? Sounds
like good news to me. Amen.
Feel free to leave your own insights, questions, and words of
encouragement below--perhaps they'll help us all as we strive to faithfully
present this passage to our congregations. Blessings...
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